Gaming has always been one of the cores of GAAM (That’s what the “G” stands for!), and will continue to be a part of the Holiday Nerd Market.
Leaderboard Arcade, and many local community members have teamed up with the GAAM team for gaming systems, arcade cabinets, and special event programming to be available to the community.
Arcade cabinets will be available thanks to our friends and partners at Leaderboard Arcade (1760 Wells Rd, Orange Park, FL 32073)!
Additional counter cabs, arcade1up, and other gaming stations will be provided by GAAM and community VolunStars
Mario Kart: Family Cup: 12:30-1:30pm (tentative)
Team up with a member of your family in a competition to see which 2 team members can accumulate the highest score by the end of the cup!
Sign up link
GAAM Crowd Play: Mario Wonder: 2:00pm – 4:00pm (tentative)
Grab 3 friends as we try to complete Mario Wonder… TOGETHER! Sign up for a spot, and have the crowd cheer you on! Each member of the team is assigned a number…and so are members of the crowd! At the end of 10 minutes, a random member of the team, AND a member of the crowd with a matching number will some fun gifts and giveaways!
Sign up link
Darby’s Dungeon Tabletop Experience: TBA
to be announced